Privacy Policy

Kent Iyengar Yoga (KIY) Privacy Policy (the Policy)

Following the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), all organisations that hold personal data need to ensure that they comply with GDPR.

KIY takes the safe keeping of its Members’ personal data very seriously. This Policy sets out how KIY complies with GDPR and ensures Members’ personal data is kept secure at all times.

This Policy takes effect from 25 May 2018.

1. What type of personal data does KIYI hold?

KIY holds the name, email, contact number(s) and address details including postcode of its Members.

KIY does not hold sensitive Personal Data of its members (as defined in GDPR and which includes information such as medical history).

KIY may also store photographs of members taken at classes, workshops and seminars – photos will only ever be taken and stored or used will the full express prior consent of the individuals in the photo.

2. Why does KIY hold Members’ Personal Data?

KIY holds Members’ name and contact details for administrative purposes, to provide information about Workshops and Events and to circulate news and information that may be of interest to KIY members about Iyengar Yoga and KIY itself.

KIY may take and hold photographs of members to put on its website, social media pages or to publicise events and classes, this will only be done with the full consent of the individuals in the photos.

3. How is Members’ Personal Data held?

Members’ data is stored on the KIY Members’ database, which can only be accessed using a password via the KIY website.

Only the Membership Secretary, Events Secretary, KIY Webadmin and IY UK Representative have access to this data.

Members’ data is held while they are Members of KIY. Following the annual renewal date, information about members who were members in the previous year but who have not renewed will be held for 1 year until the next membership renewal date, if individuals do not renew at this point, their data will be removed from the database and deleted from KIY’s records by the Membership Secretary.

KIY does not pass Members’ personal information to any third parties, if there is ever a need to pass on data, individual members will be asked for their express consent prior to any information being provided to the third party.

Information that Members have provided to Iyengar Yoga UK through their joining or renewal process can be viewed by the KIY Membership Secretary via a password protected portal on the Iyengar Yoga UK website and is used for the maintenance of KIY Membership records only.

Iyengar Yoga teachers who are KIY members and hold personal information about their Yoga students should ensure they follow the Iyengar Yoga UK Privacy Policy (available on the Iyengar Yoga UK website) and keep their students’ personal data safe at all times.

Photographs will be stored on a secure area within the KIY website that is only accessible by password by the individual role-holders listed above. Photos may also be put on KIY’s Facebook page or other social media presence. In all cases where photos are taken at KIY events the individuals in the photograph must have given their consent to the photo being taken, and if the photographs are to be kept and/or used on the KIYI website, the individuals in the photo should be asked for their express prior consent. This should be done by email, so a record can be retained of the consent.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the KIYI Secretary: